Page 52 - AAA Integrated Workbook STUDENT S18-J19
P. 52

Chapter 43 4

               2.2 Responsibilities in respect of fraud and error

               Directors                                      Auditors

                    Primary responsibility for the               Obtain reasonable assurance that
                     prevention and detection of fraud             the financial statements, taken as a
                                                                   whole, are free from material
                    Implement an effective system of              misstatement, whether caused by
                     internal control                              fraud or error

                    Create a culture of honesty, ethical         Maintain an attitude of professional
                     behaviour, and active oversight by            scepticism
                     those charged with governance
                                                                  Consider any incentives to commit
                    Consider the need for an internal             fraud
                     audit department to act as a
                     deterrent for fraud                          Discuss among the engagement
                                                                   team, the client's susceptibility to

                                                                  Identify and assess the risks of
                                                                   material misstatement due to fraud

                                                                  Enquire how management
                                                                   assesses and responds to the risk
                                                                   of fraud

                                                                  Enquire of the client if they are
                                                                   aware of any actual or suspected
                                                                   fraudulent activity

               There is an unavoidable risk that some material misstatements may not be detected
               even if properly planned in accordance with ISAs as fraud is likely to be concealed.

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