Page 53 - AAA Integrated Workbook STUDENT S18-J19
P. 53

Professional responsibilities and liability

               2.3  Responses to an assessed risk of fraud

                    Assign responsibility to personnel with appropriate knowledge and skill.

                    Evaluate whether the accounting policies of the entity indicate fraudulent
                     financial reporting.

                    Use unpredictable procedures to obtain evidence.

               2.4 Audit procedures

                    Review year-end journals and adjustments as these may be used to manipulate
                     the figures in the financial statements.

                    Review accounting estimates and areas of management judgment for evidence
                     of bias.

                    Review transactions outside the normal course of business which indicate
                     fraudulent financial reporting.

                    Obtain written representation from management and those charged with
                     governance that they:

                     –     acknowledge their responsibility for internal controls to prevent and detect

                     –     have disclosed to the auditor the results of management’s fraud risk

                     –     have disclosed to the auditor any known or suspected frauds.

                     –     have disclosed to the auditor any allegations of fraud affecting the entity’s
                           financial statements.

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