Page 68 - AAA Integrated Workbook STUDENT S18-J19
P. 68

Chapter 5


               Quality control policies alone do not ensure good quality work. They must be
               implemented effectively. Therefore the firm must evaluate:

                    Adherence to professional standards and regulatory/legal requirements.

                    Whether quality control procedures have been implemented on a day-to-day

                    Whether the firm's quality control policies and procedures are effective so that
                     reports issued by the firm are appropriate in the circumstances.

               Firms should carry out post-issuance or 'cold' reviews to ensure that quality control
               procedures are adequate, relevant and operating effectively.

                                             Post-issuance (cold) review

               Purpose                       To assess whether the firm's policies and procedures
                                             were implemented during an engagement and to identify
                                             any deficiencies therein

               When                          After the auditor's report has been signed

               Which files                   A selection of completed audit files

               Conducted by                  A dedicated compliance or quality department / a
                                             qualified external consultant / an independent partner

               Matters considered            Working papers should demonstrate that:

                                                 Sufficient appropriate evidence has been obtained

                                                 All matters were resolved before issuing the
                                                  auditor's report

                                                 All working papers should be:

                                                 On file

                                                 Completed

                                                 Signed as completed

                                                 Evidenced as reviewed

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