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P. 124
Chapter 10
8.2 Audit planning
Objectives of the audit.
Conduct of the audit.
Resources and timing.
8.3 Audit risk
Inherent risk The risk that an amount in the financial statements might
be stated as a materially incorrect amount, ignoring the
existence of existing internal controls.
Control risk The risk that the existing controls are not sufficient to
prevent or detect a material misstatement.
Detection risk The risk that the auditors’ substantive tests will not reveal
a materially incorrect amount in the financial statements, if
such an error exists.
8.4 Systems investigation and documentation - Ascertaining systems
Systems documentation.
8.5 Types of audit testing
Compliance testing Test of controls
Substantive testing Test of balances or transactions
Analytical review Examination of ratios, trends and changes in balances.
Can be used at planning, substantive testing and overall
review stages of an audit