Page 1 - CIMA MCS Workbook February 2019 - Day 1 Suggested Solutions
P. 1
Day 1 Suggested Solutions
Chapter 11
Question Your response
When was Crowncare Crowncare was founded in 1947 by Ben Winn and Tom O’Malley,
formed and who by? both dentists (page 5)
When did Crowncare begin In 1990, Crowncare started to promote private dental insurance
to promote private dental that was becoming readily available to patients (page 5)
When did Crowncare stop By 1995, Crowncare had stopped accepting new VHS patients
accepting new VHS patients? (page 5)
How has Crowncare grown? …continued to grow, acquiring further dental practices (page 5)
How many practices does it …presently owns 30 practices, all in Capital City and its surrounding
currently own? Where are towns (page 5)
they based?
How many dentists are 105 (page 5)
employed by Crowncare?
How many patients does …an average of 5,250 registered patients (page 5)
each Crowncare practice
have on average?
What do dental technicians …bespoke items to dentists’ specifications including crowns;
make? dentures; implants; bridges and braces (page 8)
What is the practice …responsible for all non‐clinical matters associated with the
manager responsible for? business side of running the practice (page 8)
How long does a dentist …five years’ study at dental school which involves both academic
have to train at dental examinations and practical tests (page 9)
school? What’s involved?
Why are dentists “closely …because their work can have a significant impact on the health
regulated?” and welfare of their patients (page 9)