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P. 185

Ethical decision making

               2.2  Stages of ethical decision making

               Ethical decision making involves:

                    a 4-stage process

                    is influenced by individual and situational factors

                    can be applied to Kohlberg’s CMD theory (see chapter 12) in terms of business
                     decision making.

               Kohlberg’s CMD

               Level                         Explanation                   Stage
               3:    Post- conventional      Individual develops more  3.2: Universal ethical
                                             autonomous decision           principles
                                             making based on
                                             principles of right and       3.1: Social contract and
                                             justice.                      individual rights

               2:    Conventional            Individual does what is       2.2: Social accord and system
                                             expected of them by           maintenance
                                                                           2.1: Interpersonal accord and

               1:    Pre- conventional       Individual shows concern  1.2: Instrumental purpose and
                                             for self-interest and         exchange
                                             external rewards and
                                             punishments.                  1.1: Obedience and

                  Illustrations and further practice

                  Now try TYU question 2

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