Page 105 - Microsoft Word - 00 P1 IW Prelims.docx
P. 105

The weighted average cost of capital (WACC)

               3.3  Calculation of yield – the credit spread method

               The credit spread is a measure of the credit risk associated with a company. Credit
               spreads are generally calculated by a credit rating agency and presented in a table
               like the one below.

                           The yield (k d) = (Risk free rate + Credit spread)

               Example of a table of credit spreads (in basis points)

               Rating           1 yr         2 yr         3 yr          5 yr         7 yr         10 yr

               AAA                5             9          14            25           38           59

               AA                 8           13           20            32           50           74

               A                 10           16           24            37           58           95

               BBB               17           28           40            66           90          130

               BB                35           50           70          100           140          185

   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110