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P. 230

Chapter 14

               1.4   Practical indicators of financial distress

               Ratio analysis and free cash flow analysis are not the only ways of identifying that a
               company is in financial distress.

                              Other possible indicators are:

                                   Information in the published accounts, for example:

                                    –    a worsening cash and cash equivalents position shown by
                                         the cash flow statement

                                    –    very large contingent liabilities

                                    –    important post-balance sheet events.

                                   Information in the chairman’s report and the directors’ report
                                    (including warnings, evasions, changes in the composition of
                                    the board since last year).

                                   Information in the press (about the industry and the company or
                                    its competitors).

                                   Information about environmental or external matters.

                             Look out for this sort of information in an exam question.

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