Page 13 - MCS August Day 2 Suggested Solutions
P. 13


                  TASK 3 – RISK MANAGEMENT
                  Suggested solution

                  Briefing note:

                  To: Finance Director
                  From: Financial Manager
                  Date: Today
                  Subject: Risk Management

                  Montel can improve its approach to risk by following a formal risk management process as
                  outlined below.

                  The key steps for such a process are outlined below.

                      Identify risk – camera production is complex and there are likely to be many diverse risks to
                        consider  e.g.  to  manage  the  expectations  of  the  different  stakeholders  e.g.  suppliers,
                        production workers, RnD personnel and the Camera and Image Processing Association.
                      Analyse  the  risk  by  considering  the  potential  impact  and  likelihood  both  internally  to
                        Montel  and  any  identifiable  external  risk  e.g.  faulty  cameras  and/or  legal  claims  due  to
                        incorrect advice during purchase by inadequately trained staff.
                      Impact – attempt to quantify the magnitude of the impact if the risk occurs e.g. personal
                        injury during camera production or insurance claim
                      Likelihood of this happening – attempt to assess the probability of the risk materialising
                      Prioritise / rank risks
                      Select and implement strategy to deal with risks identified, depending on the likelihood and
                      Monitor and review
                      Maintain record of risks and actions taken to deal with them via a risk register

                  Suggested approaches to mitigate/manage risks:

                  Accept  (low  likelihood/low  impact).  Risks  which  fall  into  this  category  can  be  accepted  as  a
                  normal part of business. It is anticipated that the risk is unlikely to occur and even if it does the
                  consequences can be coped with e.g. failure of camera equipment during use. In saying that, it is
                  essential that the risk continues to be monitored to ensure the impact of the risk has not changed
                  e.g. as a result of changes in camera technology for which we were unprepared.
                  Transfer  (low  likelihood/high  impact).  In  this  case,  the  risk  should  be  shared  in  some  way  by
                  either being passed to someone else (such as an insurer) e.g. the cost of unforeseen accidents,
                  fire, theft, damaged film etc. In the industry it is usual for insurance to be in place which covers a
                  wide  range  of  eventualities  to  include,  lost  production  due  to  supplier  failure,  breach  of
                  intellectual property, injury etc.
                  Reduce (high likelihood/low impact). In this case, Montel needs to consider ways to reduce the
                  risk. This is normally done by putting controls or procedures in place; although the cost of the
                  controls should not outweigh the impact of the risk which could include having contingency plans
                  in place should the risk actually occur e.g. additional back‐up generators for any of our automated

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