Page 9 - MCS August Day 2 Suggested Solutions
P. 9
The feasibility report should contain the following:
• Introduction
• Terms of reference ‐ these explain how the new product was selected for the study, and
provides details about the scope of the study
• Existing products – a description is given of the current products offered and how the changes
to design, functionality etc. will improve the product offering
• Product requirements ‐ the requirements for a new product are specified. These are derived
from the existing product, and (for new requirements) from Montel management and feedback
from existing customers and users.
• Proposed product ‐ an outline of the preferred product specification is provided, that will meet
the stated requirements. This should include, for example, functionality, highlight the differences
between old and new products, and identify new materials required, software changes,
production process improvements and additional staff requirements.
• Development plan ‐ a suggested project plan, and how it will be implemented
• Costs and benefits ‐ a detailed analysis should be given of the costs that will be incurred in
developing, manufacturing and marketing the new product; and the monetary value (should this
be able to be determined) of the benefits that the new product will provide
• Alternatives considered ‐ a description should be given of the various product alternatives that
have been considered, together with explanations of why they have been rejected in favour of the
recommended approach
• Conclusions and recommendations
• Supporting appendices – to include detailed calculations etc.
Financial Manager