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Chapter 6 3 4
Using the work of others
4.1 Using the work of an expert
In certain circumstances auditors may need to rely on the work of, or consult parties
not involved in the audit process.
This may be where they lack technical knowledge and skills to gather evidence.
Experts may be involved in, for example:
Property valuations
Work in progress
Legal provisions
An auditor’s expert is an individual or organisation whose work is used
by the auditor to assist in obtaining sufficient appropriate audit
A management’s expert is an individual or organisation whose work is
used by the entity to assist in the preparation of the financial
Relying on the work of an auditor’s expert
ISA 620 Using the Work of an Auditor's Expert states that the auditor should obtain
sufficient and appropriate evidence that the work of the expert is adequate for the
purpose of the audit.
Deciding which expert to use
Assess the expert’s competence, capability and objectivity
Competence and capability can be achieved by enquiring of the expert's
qualifications, experience, membership of a professional body, published work.
Objectivity can be assessed enquiring whether there are any business or
personal relationships between the expert and the client.