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P. 131

Financing – Debt finance

                           Risk management

               2.1  Risks associated with debt finance

                Interest rate risk              Refinancing risk              Currency risk
                  the risk of gains or          the risk that borrowings      the risk that arises from
                losses on assets and            will not be refinanced or     possible future

                liabilities due to changes      will not be refinanced at     movements in an
                  in interest rates.            the same rates.               exchange rate
                Risk arises on both:            Three causes:                 (a two way risk –
                                                                              exchange rates can
                  Floating rate                  lenders are                move either adversely
                     borrowings                     unwilling to lend or      or favourably)
                                                    only prepared to
                  – changes in interest             lend at higher rates      Currency risk affects
                rates alter the amount of                                     any organisation with:
                 interest payable.                the credit rating of
                                                    the company has             assets and/or
                  Fixed rate
                                                    reduced making it a            liabilities in a foreign
                     borrowings                     more unattractive              currency
                  – even though interest            lending option
                charges themselves will                                         regular income
                  not change, a fixed rate        the company may                 and/or expenditures
                can make a company                  need to refinance              in a foreign currency
                                                    quickly and
                uncompetitive if its costs          therefore have            However, even if a
                  are higher than those             difficulty in             company does not deal
                with a floating rate and            obtaining the best        in any currencies, it will
                  interest rates fall.              rates.                    still face a risk since its
                                                                              competitors may be
                                                                              faring better due to
                                                                              favourable exchange

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