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P. 134

Chapter 6

               Overview of an interest rate swap

                                       LIBOR                               LIBOR
             Company D                           BANK                                Company E

             –   pays a fixed rate               – will make a                       –   pays a floating

                  to its lenders                 profit as long as                        rate to its lenders
             –     arranges to pay               the fixed rate paid                 –   arranges to pay a
                 LIBOR to the                                                             fixed rate to the
                  bank in exchange               by Company E is                          bank in exchange
                  for a fixed rate               bigger than the                          for LIBOR

             Net effect = floating               fixed rate paid to                  Net effect = fixed rate

             rate                     FIXED      Company D                  FIXED
                                       RATE                                 RATE

                           FIXED RATE                                       FLOATING RATE

                    Original                                                                Original
                  lenders to                                                              lenders to
                 Company D                                                               Company E

               Considering the numerical example above in the context of the diagram:

                    Company D wants to swap a fixed rate to a floating rate, so would pay LIBOR to
                     the bank in exchange for 3.00%

                    Company E wants to swap a floating rate to a fixed rate, so would pay 3.10% to
                     the bank in exchange for LIBOR

                    The bank would make a profit by setting up swaps with both Company D and
                     Company E, because the LIBOR payments net off, and the fixed rate received
                     by the bank is bigger than the fixed rate paid.

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