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P. 208

Chapter 9


               2.1  Definition of synergy

                             Synergy may be defined as two or more entities coming together to
                             produce a result not independently obtainable.

               2.2  Sources of synergy

                                         There are three sources of synergy:

                 Operating economies           Financial synergy              Other synergistic
                 Economies of scale –          Diversification – reduces
                 can occur in the              risk, so even if the           Surplus managerial
                 production, marketing or      earnings stay the same         talent – the acquisition of
                 finance areas.                (i.e. no operating             inefficient companies is
                                               economies are                  a good way to utilise
                 Economies of vertical         obtained), there could         skilled managers.
                 integration – 'cutting out    still be an increase in
                  the middle man'.             value of the company           Surplus cash –
                                               due to the lower risk.         acquisition uses surplus
                  Complementary                                               cash if increased
                 resources – e.g.              Diversification and            dividends are not
                  combining an R&D             financing – the variability    considered to be
                 company with a                of operating cash flows        appropriate.
                 company strong in             may be reduced, which
                 marketing could lead to       is more attractive to          Market power –
                 gains.                        creditors so could lead        horizontal combinations
                                               to cheaper financing.          may give monopoly
                 Elimination of                                               power that can increase
                 inefficiency – If the victim   Bootstrapping –               profitability (but beware
                 company is badly              companies with high P/E        competition authorities).
                  managed.                     ratios are in a good

                                               position to acquire other      Speed – acquisition is

                                               companies as they can          usually much faster than
                                               impose their high P/E          organic growth.
                                               ratio on the victim firm
                                               and increase its value.

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