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P. 205

Financial and strategic implications of mergers and acquisitions

                           Introduction to mergers and


               1.1  Terminology

                             Merger – the joining together of two or more entities, where the entities
                             join together to submerge their separate identities into a new entity.

                             Acquisition/takeover – when one entity acquires a majority
                             shareholding in another and (usually) submerges the identity of the
                             acquired entity into its own.

                             The term ‘merger’ is often used even when an acquisition/takeover has
                             actually occurred – sounds more like a partnership between equals.

                                      Three classifications of merger/acquisition:

                 Horizontal integration           Vertical integration             Conglomerate

                 Two entities in the           The acquisition of one          When two entities in

                  same line of business        entity by another at a          unrelated businesses
                 combine.                      different level in the          combine.
                                               supply chain.
                 e.g. recent bank and
                  building society             e.g. UK breweries have
                 mergers.                      moved heavily into the
                                               distribution of their
                                               product via public

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