Page 217 - Microsoft Word - 00 CIMA F1 Prelims STUDENT 2018.docx
P. 217
Financial and strategic implications of mergers and acquisitions
5.2 Methods of divestment
(trade sale) (demerger) BUYOUT (MBO)
A new entity is created, Purchase of a business
where the shares of that from its existing owners
The sale of part of an new entity are owned by by members of the
entity to a third party, the shareholders of the management team,
usually in return for
cash. entity that made the generally in association
transfer of assets into with a financing
the new entity.
used to protect the no cash is generated loss of head office
rest of the business support and quality
from takeover, or to allow investors to of the management
generate cash in a identify the true team are key
time of crisis value of a business considerations
that was hidden
may disrupt the rest within a large several institutions
of the organisation if conglomerate specialise in
key staff or products providing funds for
from within the entity should lead to a MBOs e.g. venture
are part of the clearer management capitalists, banks,
business unit sold structure private equity firms,
off. and other financial
reduce the risk of a institutions.
takeover bid for the
core entity
may disrupt the rest
of the organisation if
key staff or products
from within the entity
are part of the
business unit sold