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P. 88

Chapter 4

               2.3  Overview of basic rules

                     FAIR VALUE                     CASH FLOW                  NET INVESTMENT
                         HEDGE                         HEDGE                          HEDGE

                      Hedge of the                   Hedge of the
                       exposure to
                     changes in fair                  exposure to                  Hedge used to
                        value of a                variability in cash            eliminate the risk
                  recognised asset or                    flows                    associated with
                          liability               e.g. used to hedge             fluctuations in the
                                                    against the risk             value of a foreign
                   e.g. used to hedge            associated with the             investment due to
                  against the risk of a             future interest                movements in
                   change in the value                                            exchange rates
                   of an asset such as               payments on
                        inventory                 variable rate debt

                   Hedged item and               Gain or loss on               Both investment
                    hedging instrument             hedging instrument             and borrowing are
                    are measured at fair           is recognised in               translated at closing
                    value at each year             OCI                            rate at each year
                    end                                                           end
                                                  When underlying
                   Changes in fair                transaction affects           Gains or losses on
                    value of both                  profit or loss, cash           both items are
                    hedged item and                flow hedge ends                offset in OCI
                    hedging instrument             and OCI entries are           Any remaining gain
                    are recognised in              transferred/                   or loss from
                    profit or loss and             recycled into profit           ineffective part of

                    offset each other              or loss                        hedge is recognised
                                                                                  in profit or loss

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