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Chapter 7

               Company versus partnership

               Company                                        General Partnership

               Separate legal person, i.e. can own            Not a separate legal person – the
               property, sue or be sued, and contract in      partners own any property, are liable on
               own name.                                      contracts and are liable if sued.

               The company is liable for its debts. (No       The partners are personally liable for the
               personal liability for shareholders            debts of the firm. Their liability is joint
               beyond any unpaid portion of the               and several.
               nominal value of their shares or the
               amount they have agreed to contribute.)

               Created by registration – with a written       No special formality required to create.

               Shares are transferable.                       Limits on transfer of share (may require
                                                              dissolution of partnership or consent of
                                                              other partners to enable partners to
                                                              realise their share).

               Can create both fixed and floating             Can only create fixed charges as
               charges as security for borrowing.             security for borrowing.

               Managed by directors, who may or may           Managed by partners, who are also the
               not also be shareholders.                      owners of the business.

               The company cannot usually return              Partners may withdraw their capital.
               capital to its members (except on

               Must make information about financial          Private business. No disclosure of
               affairs and ownership publicly available.      results.

               The business is run by the directors.          Every partner has the right to take part in
               Members have no right to participate.          the management of the business.

               Must comply with Companies Act                 No administrative requirements
               requirements concerning meetings.              regarding meetings.

               Formal dissolution procedure (known as         May dissolve by agreement.
               liquidation). Death/ bankruptcy of any         Automatically dissolved on the
               member/director do not dissolve the            death/bankruptcy of any partner.

               Companies pay corporation tax.                 Partners pay income tax.

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