Page 25 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 25
Recognition exemptions (IFRS 16.5-8)
• A lessee must disclose the following amounts in a tabular format for the
reporting period, unless another format is more appropriate:
• The expense relating to the short-term lease, this expense may exclude leases
with a lease term of one month or less;
• The expense relating to leases of low-value assets, excluding expenses relating
to short-term leases included above;
• Total cash outflow for leases.
• A lessee shall disclose additional qualitative and quantitative information about
its leasing activities necessary to give users of the Annual Financial Statements a
basis to assess the effect of the lease on the lessee.
• A lessee that accounts for short-term leases or leases of low-value assets
applying the exemption criteria must state that fact.
• A lessee is required to disclose the amount of its lease commitments for short-
term leases if the portfolio of short-term leases to which it is committed at the
end of the reporting period is different to the portfolio of short-term leases to
which the short-term lease expense is already disclosed in terms of the
disclosure above.