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P. 57
Macroeconomics 1 – The domestic economy
Macroeconomics and
government policy goals
1.1 Macroeconomics
Macroeconomics focuses on the workings of the economy as a whole, including:
the overall (‘aggregate’) demand for goods and services
the output of goods and services (‘national output’ or ‘national product’)
the supply of factors of production
total incomes earned by providers of factors of production (‘national income’)
money spent in purchasing the national product (‘national expenditure’)
government policy.
1.2 Policy objectives:
Typically, governments will have four macroeconomic policy objectives:
Economic growth – how can productive capacity be increased?
Inflation – how can we ensure that general price levels do not increase?
Unemployment – how can we ensure that everyone who wants a job has one?
Balance of payments – how should we manage our financial relationships and
trade with other countries?