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P. 59

Macroeconomics 1 – The domestic economy

               1.5 Unemployment

                     Why we want low unemployment                        Counter argument

                    The Government has to pay out                Some unemployment will arise even
                     benefits rather than collect taxes.           in a healthy economy as people
                                                                   have the confidence to change jobs.
                    Unemployment has been linked to
                     rising crime, poor health and the            High employment levels can lead to
                     breakdown of the family.                      inflation as higher earnings and
                                                                   more bargaining power over pay
                    Unemployment can damage                       rises lead to higher demand.
                     peoples' self-esteem.

                    The long-term unemployed may
                     become deskilled/unemployable.

                    Unemployment is a wasted

               1.6  Managing the  balance of payments

                        Why we want to avoid a                        Why we want to avoid a
                            long term deficit                             long term surplus

                    It will have to borrow money to fund         A long-term trade surplus can cause
                     the deficit, resulting in extra interest      significant inflationary pressures
                     payments.                                     (high demand from overseas).

                    The alternative is to sell assets.           A long term surplus is presumably
                                                                   at the expense of other countries'
                    There will be pressure on the                 deficits.
                     country's currency to depreciate

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