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P. 63

Macroeconomics 1 – The domestic economy

                            Components of the circular flow

               3.1 Consumption (C)

                    The spending by people, or households

                    Mainly affected by income (Y) levels

                    ∆C = ∆Y × Marginal propensity to consume (MPC)

               3.2 Savings (S)

                    Saving is defined as the amount of income not spent.

                    It is therefore sometimes regarded as a residual; the amount of income left
                     after consumption has been determined.

                    The factors determining saving are mainly the mirror image of the factors
                     determining consumption.

               3.3 Investment (I)

                    Expenditure on investment covers:

                     –     fixed capital formation (e.g. plant, machinery, roads, houses);

                     –     increase in stocks of raw materials, WIP and finished goods.

                    Main determinants are

                     –     Expectations re future cash flows

                     –     Cost of capital

               3.4  Government (G), tax (T), imports (M) and exports (X)

                    G and T set by government policy – see later

                    Influences on (X – M) – see later

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