Page 304 - Microsoft Word - 00 ACCA F9 IWB prelims 2017.docx
P. 304

Chaptter 17

                           Esttimatinng thee cost of equuity – tthe

                           diviidend valuaation mmodel (DVMM)

               The cost of equityy finance too the comppany is thee return thaat the invesstors expect to
               achievee on their sshares.

               2.1 DVM with nno growth in dividennds

                             r e = –––
                                     P 0

                             rₑ = shareholdders’ requirred return, expressedd as a deciimal

                             D = constant ddividend froom year 1 to infinity

                             Pₒ == ex div maarket price  of a sharee (ex div = AFTER divvidend paid)

                             In eexam questtions pricess could bee quoted exx div or cumm div. Reaad the
                             queestion properly!

                             Ex-ddiv share pprice = Cumm-div sharre price – ddividend duue

               The vaalue of r e ccalculated is equivaalent to k e (the cost of equity ffinance too the

                  Quuestionn 1

                  DVMM no growwth

                  KLF Co has paaid a divideend of $0.225 per share for many years annd expects to
                  conttinue payinng out at this level forr the foreseeeable futuure.  The ccompany’s
                  curreent share pprice is $2..45.

                  Calcculate the ccost of equuity using thhe dividend valuationn model.

                  Ke == D/P 0

                  Ke == $0.25/$2.45 = 0.1022 or 10.2%%

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