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P. 306

Chaptter 17

               2.2 DVM with ddividend ggrowth at aa fixed ratte

                                      D 0 (1 + gg)                           D 1
                             r e = –––––––––––  + g             = –––– + g
                                            P 0                                                   PP 0

                             Dₒ == current dividend

                             D 1 == dividend in 1 year’ss time

                             g = constant rate of growwth in dividdends

                             Thee first formuula is on thhe formula sheet

                  Quuestionn 3

                  DVMM with groowth

                  Bishhop Co hass just paid oout a dividend of $0.45 per shaare and exppects
                  dividdends to grrow at a raate of 3% pper annum for the foreeseeable ffuture.  Bisshop
                  Co’ss current shhare price is $3.50 peer share.

                  Calcculate the ccost of equuity using th he dividend valuationn model.

                  Ke == [D 0 (1 + gg)/P 0] + g

                  Ke == [$0.45 × 1.03/$3.500] + 0.03 = 0.162 or 116.2%

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