Page 14 - OCS Workbook - Day 1 Task (May 2018)
P. 14



               The company makes high quality products so an exam task could focus on assessing the costs of
               quality (P1) and discussing whether TQM (E1 and P1) should be adopted.
               Working capital
               There are few references within the pre-seen to the working capital cycle (F1) but ratio analysis of
               the financial statements indicates some concerns over high levels of inventory. This is particularly
               concerning as older designs may become difficult to sell without excessive price discounting. This
               suggests that some variants of the real exam will  have tasks that look at  Mansako’s working
               capital policies. In particular, make sure you feel comfortable discussing whether the company
               could change its inventory policies, say switching to just-in-time or using the EOQ model.
               Organisational structure

               Mansako is  vertically-integrated with  in-house  operations including  production, warehousing,
               distribution and retail. Given this it is probably that one variant of the exam will include a task to
               consider outsourcing (E1) one of these elements. Make sure you revise the arguments for and
               against outsourcing and what transitional aspects such a move would involve.
               Information systems

               Given its customers’ willingness to buy online, Mansako’s business model is highly reliant on its
               IT/IS strategy. It is thus a possible concern  that  Mansako’s digital business is managed using
               generic rather than bespoke software. Make sure you are able to discuss different approaches to
               IT/IS (E1) and make recommendations if necessary.

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