Page 13 - OCS Workbook - Day 1 Task (May 2018)
P. 13


                  Marketing – distribution

                  The  company is committed to an ‘omni-channel’ strategy  that is seen to  be critical to future
                  growth. Make sure you understand how online and store based operations can interact, such as
                  through ‘click and collect’ but also discuss what the implications of this could be for other aspects
                  of the marketing mix, such as pricing and promotional activities. Note that we are told that the
                  distribution  centre was  designed for a mainly store-based operation, suggesting potential
                  weaknesses in terms of internet sales.

                  Non-current assets
                  The financial reporting (F1) aspects of NCAs are a common exam theme, so make sure you revise
                  the different angles a question could take. For example, you could be asked to discuss the extent
                  to which intangible assets can be created focussing, say, on whether the brand could be
                  capitalised, or whether marketing costs incurred to boost the brand could be capitalised or how
                  much of additional investments in IT  and computer systems could be recognised as an  asset.
                  Alternatively we are told that there are plans to streamline store operations which may result in
                  store closures, in which case make sure you can advise of the financial reporting implications of
                  this. Alternatively we are also told that the company may expand its product range, in which case
                  there may be a need for additional investment  with associated implications for the financial

                  The environment
                  The pre-seen makes it clear that customers are very concerned about ecological sustainability and
                  Mansako even has a code of conduct for suppliers that incorporates this. Make sure you revise
                  both the E1 and P1 aspects of CSR and environmental accounting to discuss how Mansako could
                  measure and improve its green footprint. Also ensure you can discuss how to manage suppliers
                  should issues arise.
                  Costing systems

                  In order to keep the brand in the minds of customers it is important to get a balance between
                  selling existing products and new product development. This may necessitate a change from the
                  current approach of absorbing overheads towards ABC (Note that we are not told the current
                  system but the budgeted figures would indicate that overheads are simply a % of labour costs).
                  Make sure you revise the pros and cons of ABC verses traditional approaches (P1) and consider
                  whether ABC would be suitable for Mansako and any transitional problems if it were to change
                  Decision making under constraints

                  The production process is highly labour-dependent, so it is possible in the exam that one variant
                  will include a scenario where there is a problem with the workforce, such as illness. Given this you
                  may have to discuss the basis upon which decisions to allocate the scarce resources are made
                  (P1). Remember that you should be using the idea of relevant costing and considering the benefit
                  per unit of scarce resource, either by focussing on contribution per labour hour or throughput per
                  labour hour.
                  Decision making with uncertainty

                  Despite healthy gross margins, the company’s overall operating margin is worryingly low. Given
                  this, it is likely that one of the exam variants will include a task looking at multi-product breakeven
                  analysis and margins of safety, possibly incorporating breakeven graphs that you have to explain.
                  Make sure you revise the details of such graphs and can explain what the different lines and pints

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