Page 7 - OCS Workbook - Day 1 Task (May 2018)
P. 7

Chapter 2

                  FAMILIARISATION QUIZ


                  Attempt this quiz after you have read the pre-seen at least twice. Try not to refer to the pre-seen
                  material when answering the questions unless you really can’t remember. However it is better to
                  look for the answers in the pre-seen if necessary rather than turning straight to the quiz solutions.

                  Question                          Response

                  What does Mansako do?

                  Who are the shareholders?

                  Where is it based?

                  What is the company’s brand
                  positioning in the market?

                  Is Mansako a major player?

                  How big is Mansako’s product

                  Who are Mansako’s main

                  How important is sustainability to

                  What production strategy does
                  Mansako have?

                  KAPLAN PUBLISHING                                                                      3
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