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P. 72

Chapter 3

                                4.3 Subsequent treatment of financial assets

                                Per IAS 39 Financial instruments: Recognition and measurement,
                                financial assets will be categorised into 4 separate classifications,
                                with differing accounting treatments.

                                Candidates must be able to differentiate between the types of FA.

               Financial asset                Definition                     Subsequent
               classification                                                treatment

               Fair value through profit or        Held for trading              Revalue to fair value,
               loss (FVPL)                          (short term)
                                                                                  Gains/losses to P/L.

                                                   Any derivative

               Held to maturity (HTM)              Fixed and                     Amortised cost

                                                   Intention to hold until
                                                    maturity date

                                                   Quoted

               Loans and receivables               Fixed and                     Amortised cost
               (LR)                                 determinable

                                                   Not quoted

               Available for sale (AFS)            Any financial asset           Revalue to fair value
                                                    that does not meet
                                                    the definitions of            Gains/losses to
                                                    other categories               reserves/OCI

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