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               or equity finance to settle the fine. We recommend a combination of negotiation, cash and debt
               finance as soon as possible.

               2nd Priority: Shared Services Center and transforming our operating model.

               The decision to establish a Shares Services Center in Sadimba has delivered savings of S$6.6
               billion which is about 12% of our operating profits and could translate into a perpetual annuity. It
               has  however  been  received  with  strong  criticisms  across  Africa  as  'off-shoring'  of  jobs  to

               Sadimba with threats to boycott our products which could erode the savings and damage our
               brand. Its impact is less than that of priority 1 above but given its threat to sales and our brand,
               this  is  our  priority  number  2.  We  that  recommend  a  suitable  public  relations  and  change

               management strategy be effected immediately.

               3rd Priority: Nuclear deal, political risk & strategic uncertainty in Ilania.

               JV-Cellular is our 3rd largest single contributor to earnings at 9%. The Ilanian government has
               accepted  a  nuclear  agreement  that  could  remove  all  sanctions  and  allow  us  expand  in  the
               Middle  East  region.  There  are  however  doubts  as  to  whether  Ilania  will  comply  with  the

               agreement and even so there are mooted indiginisation laws that could see us loose our entire
               investments in that country. The issue has a lower impact as it contributes a smaller proportion
               to  earnings  at  9%  compared  to  12%  for  priority  2  above.  Furthermore  priority  2  has  an

               immediate impact whereas we have till end of January 2016 to decide how to respond to the
               events in Ilania. We could decide to consolidate & expand, stay the course or sell & walk-away.
               This report  recommends staying the Course.

               4th Priority:  Mobile operator license opportunity in Chininsia.

               Chinisia  in  the  Asia  Pacific  Region  will  be  renewing  their  mobile  operator  licenses  in  2017,
               presenting an opportunity for us to enter the Asian market. This issue is prioritised last because

               it is a discretionary opportunity and less urgent (open till 2017) than priority 3 above. We find the
               market not attractive enough although an acquisition rather than a direct bid is the better option.

               We recommend you postpone this decision pending a full due diligence to be carried out..

               Other  major  issues  were  considered  ethical  rather  than  commercial  in  nature  and  as

               such  have been dealt with separately in section 5 of this report.

                                                       Developed by The CharterQuest Institute for 'The CFO Business Case Study Competition 2016'
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