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P. 180

Chapter 15

               3.2  Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income

               Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for ABC for the
               year ended 31 December 20X4


               Revenue                                           X
               Cost of sales                                    (X)

               Gross profit/(loss)                             X/(X)

               Distribution costs                               (X)
               Administrative expenses                          (X)

               Profit/(loss) from operations                   X/(X)

               Income from investments                           X
               Finance cost                                     (X)

               Profit/(loss) before tax                        X/(X)

               Income tax expense                               (X)
               Profit/(loss) for the period                    X/(X)

               Other comprehensive income:

               Revaluation gain/(loss)                         X/(X)
               Total comprehensive income                        X


                  Tutor notes guidance – discussion points

                  Explain to students the difference between the statement of profit or loss and
                  the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income

                  Take students through the relationship between the SOFP and P&L&OCI –
                  use the diagram within chapter 17 to help illustrate if need be.

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