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P. 84
Chapter 6
Capital and revenue expenditure
An entity’s expenditure may be classified as one of two types:
capital expenditure – expenditure likely to increase the future earning capability
of the entity, or
revenue expenditure – expenditure associated with maintaining the entity’s
present earning capability.
Capital expenditure Revenue expenditure
Expenditure on the Expenditure on current
acquisition of non-current assets i.e. inventory
assets acquired for use
Expenditure relevant to
in the business, not for the running of the
resale. business (such as
Expenditure on existing administration costs).
non-current assets aimed Expenditure on
at increasing their maintaining the earning
earning capacity.
capacity of non-current
Long-term in nature as assets e.g. repairs and
the business intends to renewals.
receive the benefits of
Relates to the current
the expenditure over a accounting period and is
long period of time. used to generate
revenue in the business.