Page 34 - F2 - MA Integrated Workbook STUDENT 2018-19
P. 34
Chapter 2
External sources of data
Examples of external sources of information are:
The Government's National Statistics (; Her Majesty's
Customs and Revenue publications. Industry statistics.
Taxation policy.
Inflation rates.
Demographic statistics.
Forecasts for economic growth.
Market research/Customers’ product requirements.
Price sensitivity.
Price lists and quotations from suppliers and competitors.
The Financial Times, newspapers and journals: Share price, Information on
competitors, Technological developments, National and market surveys.
Government reports on particular industries.
Reports prepared by international bodies, such as the UN, OECD and EU.
Commercial publications dealing with economic matters of particular industries.
Publications by trade associations and professional organisations.
Statistics from advertising agencies.
A Trade Union representative/employees groups wage demands.
Banks: Information on potential customers.
Information on national markets.
Internet: Almost everything via databases (public and private), discussion
groups and mailing lists.