Page 425 - F2 - MA Integrated Workbook STUDENT 2018-19
P. 425

Performance measurement techniques

               2.5 Divisional performance measures

               If the principle of controllability is applied, a manager should be made responsible
               and accountable only for the costs and revenues that he or she is in a position to

                             Return on investment (ROI) = Controllable profit ÷ controllable capital
                             employed × 100

               A widely used and accepted measure.            May lead to dysfunctional decision
                                                              making, e.g. a division with a current
                                                              ROCE of 30% would not wish to accept a
                                                              project offering an ROCE of 25%, as this
                                                              would reduce its current figure.

               As a relative measure it enables               Different accounting policies can confuse
               comparisons to be made with divisions or  comparisons
               companies of different sizes

               It can be broken down into secondary           ROCE increases with age of asset if
               ratios for more detailed analysis.             NBVs are used, thus giving managers an
                                                              incentive to hang on to possibly
                                                              inefficient, obsolete machines.

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