Page 485 - F2 - MA Integrated Workbook STUDENT 2018-19
P. 485


                   Step 5 – complete the normal loss (scrap) and abnormal loss accounts

                   (a)  the normal loss is transferred to the normal loss account

                   (b)  the abnormal loss is transferred to the abnormal loss account

                   (c)  the abnormal loss increases the availability of scrap to be sold.  It is
                         transferred from the abnormal loss account to the scrap account at the
                         scrap value.

                   (d)  the balancing figure in the abnormal loss account shows the net loss
                         from having lost more than expected.

                   (e)  the balancing figure in the scrap account represents the cash received
                         for the sale of the loss.

                                            Normal loss (scrap) account
                                         Kg           $                             Kg          $

                   (a) Process          100            180     (e) Cash/Bank        200         360
                   account (NL)
                   (c) Abnormal         100            180
                                       ––––          ––––                         ––––         ––––

                                        200            360                          200         360
                                       ––––          ––––                         ––––         ––––

                                                    Abnormal loss

                                        Kg           $                              Kg          $
                   (b) Process          100          2,280     (c) Normal loss     100          180
                   account (AL)
                                                               (d) SoPL                       2,100

                                       ––––         –––––                         ––––       –––––
                                        100          2,280                         100        2,280

                                       ––––         –––––                         ––––       –––––

                   Note: the normal loss is sold for cash so the bank account is debited with the
                   normal loss proceeds of $180. The abnormal loss is also sold for scrap at
                   $1.80 per kg so a further 100 × $1.80 = $180 would be debited to the bank

                   The net effect is that the abnormal loss is valued at $2,280 – $180 = $2,100

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