Page 8 - OCS Workbook - Day 2 Tasks (May 2018)
P. 8


               This morning Gwen Giovanni sent you the following email:

               From: Gwen Giovanni

               Date: Today
               Subject: Beijing Fashion Week 2018

               As you may  be aware, Melanie Zhang has entered  into discussions with the organisers of the
               Beijing Fashion Week with a view to Mansako attending and even sponsoring the event.
               As well as hosting our own exhibition area, sponsorship would result in the Mansako logo being
               used on official marketing and literature.
               There will be a meeting to discuss the details of this plan next week and Anders has asked for
               each Board member to present implementation issues as well as any strategic considerations. In
               terms of the former, Roberto wants us to look at how we would set up the project as a separate
               business unit to “ring fence” it and for it to have a separate budget and performance targets for
               the team involved. I’m not convinced it needs a separate budget but Roberto seems to think it
               It currently looks like the project would be headed up by Gill Matthews, a marketing manager
               reporting to Melanie Zhang.
               Roberto has asked me for some ideas and I would appreciate your advice on some matters:

               •  Can you remind me why we prepare budgets and how this applies to the project?
               •  Next, should we set the project up as a cost centre or profit centre or…? Please explain your

               •  Can you remind me of the principles of what we need to consider when setting targets for the
                   team - how hard they should be, who should be involved in setting them and what factors
                   should be incorporated?
               •  Finally, I am not totally sure how we might measure “success” for the project - can you give
                   me some thoughts here as well.
               I’ve got a meeting with Roberto later today so a swift response would be appreciated



               Prepare an email addressing Gwen’s points.
                                                                            (Time allocation: 40 minutes)

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