Page 6 - Non-residence taxation
P. 6

General Deductions – Court Cases

        5.In The Production Of Income

               5.1. PE Electric Tramway: Should be closely link between income earning activity

               and expenditure

               5.2. BPSA: important to look at purpose of expenditure and what expenditure

               actually influences.

               5.3. Joffe: Expenditure must be a necessary concomitant of TP's Trade

                      5. 3.1. Negligence IS NOT a necessary concomitant

                      5.3.2. losses = involuntary, expenditure = voluntary

               5.4. Nemojim: Expenditure incurred for dual purpose --> Apportion expenditure

               5.5. Provider: Expenditure incurred to recruit or maintain employees = deduction

               (as the intention is to generate future income)

               5.6. Mobile Telephone Networks (MTN) Holding: Use value of equity and div

               activities and not time spent as yardstick for apportionment

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