Page 27 - Microsoft Word - 00 P1 IW Prelims.docx
P. 27

Code of ethics and conduct

                                     Examples of safeguards:            Examples of safeguards:
                                     Listed clients                     Non-listed clients

               Overdue fees            Cease audit work until            Cease audit work until
                                         arrangement for payment             arrangement for payment
                                         has been agreed                     has been agreed


               Long association      INT Syllabus:                      INT Syllabus:

                                       Rotate the audit partner          Rotate senior personnel
                                         after 7 years
                                                                        UK Syllabus:
                                     UK Syllabus:
                                                                          Rotate the audit partner
                                       Rotate the audit partner             after 10 years or apply
                                         after 5 years                       additional safeguards

               Personal                Remove the person from               Remove the person from
               relationships             the team                             the team

               Movement of staff    Review the composition of            Review the composition of
               between the firm          the team                            the team
               and client
                                       EQCR                              EQCR


               Accounts                Accounts preparation,           INT Syllabus:
               preparation               bookkeeping and payroll
                                         services are prohibited          For non-listed clients the
                                                                             services must be routine
                                                                             and mechanical

                                                                          Separate teams must be

                                                                        UK Syllabus:

                                                                          Consider whether
                                                                             objectivity will be impaired

                                                                          Consider whether informed
                                                                             management is in place

                                                                          Separate teams must be

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