Page 5 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 5

Answering Time (2½ Hours) (1.5 Minutes Per Mark) : Still Has Reading

     Time Built Into It !!

          Allocate time to the requirements:1.5 min per mark !!

                 ☺Answer every section in its own time

          2. Read the required carefully (2/3 times)

                 ☺Ensure you understand what is being asked

                 ☺Uncertain – make assumptions (briefly motivate)

          3. Read the info of the question (1.5 min include reading time)

                 ☺Issues of the question/information given, etc.

          4. Plan

                 ☺Plan your answer!!!

          5. Answer

                 5.1 Answer the section

                         ☺Stick to allocated time
                5.2 Answer all sections

                         ☺Answer the required part (NB!)
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