Page 3 - CIMA SCS Workbook August 2018 - Day 1 Suggested Solutions
P. 3


                      CHAPTER FOUR – E3

                      EXERCISE 1


                          •  Political opinion linked to national newspapers e.g. in the UK The Guardian = left wing, The
                             Telegraph = right wing.

                          •  Impact of newspapers on public opinion in national/local government elections

                          •  Industry regulated in the UK by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO)


                          •  General business model in period of change, from print to digital.

                          •  Increased number of free newspapers e.g. Metro, London Evening Standard

                          •  A newspaper may be deemed discretionary expenditure – falling unit sales during
                             recessionary periods

                          •  Industry as a whole suffering a downturn

                          •  Possible foreign exchange implications for purchases of supplies e.g. imported paper

                          •  Need to cut costs in the industry to preserve profitability as revenues fall

                          •  State of housing and jobs markets will impact classified advertisement revenue in


                          •  Trends in consumer demand – younger people expect to get news for free e.g. from social

                          •  Increased instances of readers adding to the news experience e.g. by adding comments to
                             articles online

                          •  Increased instances of ‘fake news’ mean people have less trust in the news reported to

                          •  Unethical actions by journalists/editors reduce public trust in the newspaper industry e.g.
                             phone hacking scandal at the News of the World

                          •  Literacy rates impact on demand for news in print/digital form

                          •  Local newspapers seen as an important part of the community

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