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P. 116

Chapter 12

                           The business case document

               2.1   Typical contents

               Content              What it contains                         Benefits of having this

               Strategic            Analysis of the environment and the  Identifies the drivers for
               analysis             organisation’s position                  the project

                                                                             Provides a strategic
                                                                             rationale for the project

                                                                             Develops clear project

               Benefits and         Details on how the project will          Provides a financial
               costs for the        improve the organisation                 rationale for the project
                                    This may include a formal financial      Facilitates benefits
                                    evaluation of the project                realisation

               Project              The likely time, cost and scope of       Provides clear boundaries
               constraints          the project                              for the project

                                                                             Can help in developing
                                                                             targets for project

                                                                             Provides a better
                                                                             understanding of what
                                                                             won’t be impacted by the

               Risk analysis        The potential likelihood and impact      Allows for contingency
                                    of key project risks                     planning

                                                                             The project is better
                                                                             prepared for when things
                                                                             go wrong

                                                                             Proactive rather than
                                                                             reactive action is taken

                                                                             The project is more likely
                                                                             to stay under control

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