Page 275 - Microsoft Word - 00 Prelims.docx
P. 275
Divisional performance measurement and transfer pricing
1.4 The Residual Income (RI)
Controllable operating profit X
Less: Imputed interest (controllable capital employed × cost of capital) (X)
Decision rule: accept project or assess the division as performing favourably if RI is
1.5 RI evaluation
Advantages Disadvantages
Reduces problems of ROI, Can still result in dysfunctional
i.e. dysfunctional behaviour and behaviour (EVA is a superior
holding onto old assets measure)
Easy decision rule Absolute figure so does not facilitate
Makes divisional managers more
aware of cost of finance Difficult to determine appropriate
cost of capital
Different cost of capitals can be
applied to divisions with different Different accounting policies can
risk profiles confuse comparison
May encourage manipulation of
profit or capital employed figures