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P. 275

Divisional performance measurement and transfer pricing

               1.4  The Residual Income (RI)

               Controllable operating profit                                                      X
               Less: Imputed interest (controllable capital employed × cost of capital)          (X)

               RI                                                                                 X


               Decision rule: accept project or assess the division as performing favourably if RI is

               1.5  RI evaluation

                               Advantages                                Disadvantages

                    Reduces problems of ROI,                     Can still result in dysfunctional
                     i.e. dysfunctional behaviour and              behaviour (EVA is a superior
                     holding onto old assets                       measure)

                    Easy decision rule                           Absolute figure so does not facilitate
                    Makes divisional managers more
                     aware of cost of finance                     Difficult to determine appropriate
                                                                   cost of capital
                    Different cost of capitals can be
                     applied to divisions with different          Different accounting policies can
                     risk profiles                                 confuse comparison

                                                                  May encourage manipulation of
                                                                   profit or capital employed figures

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