Page 3 - OCS Workbook - Day 2 Suggested Solutions (May 2018)
P. 3


                      Furthermore, many people who come on the Fashion week will already be aware of Mansako
                      through existing marketing channels, exposure to the brand at airports and so on.

                      This makes it a difficult measure to incorporate when appraising the efforts of Gill and her

                      One approach could be to survey visitors how they heard of Mansako – were they already
                      aware of the name or did they first hear through the Fashion week or was it through other
                      specific promotional activities?

                  •  Sales growth
                      For the project  to justify the  costs involved the increased  brand awareness needs to be
                      translated into sales growth. While increases in sales through the fashion week may be easier
                      to correlate with visitor numbers, additional sales through other channels are harder to link to
                      the week.

                  •  Cost control
                      Given the fact that some of the benefits are hard to assess in financial terms, it places more
                      emphasis on cost control when evaluating whether the event is a success. It is important that
                      the sponsorship deal and attendance can be delivered efficiently within budget.

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