Page 7 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 7



            • Two types of joint arrangements exist, namely

                   • joint operations
                   • joint ventures

            • IFRS 11 requires a party to a joint arrangement to determine the type

               of joint arrangement in which it is involved by assessing its rights and
               obligations arising from the arrangement. (IFRS 11.14)

            • The entity’s rights and obligations will be assessed by considering the
               structure and legal form, contractual terms as well as other facts and
               circumstances when relevant.

            • Once it has determined that it has an investment in a joint operation,
               the entity will recognise the assets, liabilities and related revenue and
               expenses in relation to its interest in the arrangement in accordance

               with the IFRS applicable to the particular assets, liabilities, revenue
               and expenses.

            • Once it has determined that it has an interest in a joint venture, the
               entity will recognise the investment in the joint venture following the
               equity method in accordance with IAS 28, Accounting for Investments

               in Associates and Joint Ventures.

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