Page 8 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 8

LOS 7.b: Describe limitations to correlation analysis.                     MODULE 7.1: COVARIANCE & CORRELATION

      1. Outliers: A few extreme values for sample observations can suggest a significant relationship exists when, in fact, there is
         none, or that there is no relationship when, in fact, there is a relationship.
      2. Spurious Correlation (Correlation ≠ causation (not necessarily)! Pure chance factors!
      3. Nonlinear Relationships: Correlation measures linearity in the form , say, Y = 6 – 3X. However, 2 variables could have a
         nonlinear yet a zero correlation; thus correlation analysis fails to capture strong nonlinear relationships!

     LOS 7.c: Formulate a test of the hypothesis that the population correlation coefficient, r, equals zero and determine
     whether the hypothesis is rejected at a given level of significance.

     With the exception of r extremes close to ±1.0, we cannot assess its strength without a statistical test of significance.

                                                      Assuming both populations are normally distributed, the test               This is a 2TT
                                                      statistic is computed using the sample correlation, r, with n – 2 df:      (Why?)

                                                     To be provided! e.g. @ 95%

                                                                                                               Decision rule:
                                                                                                               Reject H if
                                                                                                               +t critical  < t; OR t < –t critical
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