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P. 142

Chapter 10

                           Assessing VFM using the 3Es

                    VFM is interpreted as providing an economic, efficient and effective service.

                    Appropriate performance indicators should be chosen for each ‘E’.
               3Es               Examples for a university             Example PI for a university

               Economy –         The cost of books, computers           Measure the cost of books,
               an input          and academic staff compared             computers and academic staff
               measure           with the quality of these              Measure the quality, e.g.
                                                                         student feedback rating on
                                                                         quality of academic staff
               Effectiveness   Achieving top degrees for               % students achieving a target
               – an output          students                             grade
               measure            Carrying out quality research        Excellent research rating
               looking at                                                awarded by external body
               whether            Getting graduates into the
               objectives are       workplace                           % students entering the
               being met                                                 workplace within 6 months of

               Efficiency –      Are the books, computers and           % time books, computers
               links inputs to   academic staff invested in being        used by students
               outputs.  Is the  used efficiently?                      % time academic staff spend
               maximum                                                   teaching
               output being
               achieved from
               the resources

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