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Chapter 10

                           Problems associated with performance

                           management in NFP organisations

               Problem           Explanation                                Possible  solution
               Assessing          Many NFP organisations                   Assess VFM:
               the use of           (particularly public sector              the 3Es (Section 3)
               funds                organisations) do not generate
                                    revenue; rather funds are invested       benchmarking against
                                    in them (by government for public          similar activities
                                    sector organisations).                   appropriate performance
                                  Need to assess if these funds are           measures
                                    being put to the best use, i.e. is       VFM studies or internal
                                    there value for money (VFM)?               audit work.

               Non-               Many of the costs are non-               Cost benefit analysis (CBA),
               quantifiable         quantifiable in monetary terms,         i.e. try to quantify in
               costs and            e.g. what is the cost of cutting        monetary terms all of the
               benefits             healthcare funding for a particular     costs and benefits
                                    cancer drug?                            associated with a decision
                                                                            (difficult but one possible
                                  The same is true of the benefits,
                                    e.g. what is the benefit of using the   solution).
                                    money saved from the above to
                                    increase the number of lifesaving
                                    organ transplants?

               Multiple and       Multiple stakeholders give rise to        Prioritise the objectives
               diverse              multiple objectives, e.g. doctors in       of the organisation, e.g.
               objectives           a hospital will want a good work-          patient care prioritised
                                    life balance whereas patients will         above work-life balance.
                                    want to be seen quickly and              Make compromises, e.g.
                                    demand quality care.
                                                                               doctors remunerated
                                  Objectives are very diverse                 generously for time
                                    depending on the NFP                       worked.
                                    organisation in question, i.e. there
                                    is not one primary objective to
                                    maximise shareholder wealth – the
                                    objectives of, say, a relief charity
                                    will be different to those of a
               Impact of         Long-term objectives may be                Difficult – need to
               politics          sacrificed for short-term political        encourage politicians to
                                 gains, e.g. hospital funding may be        have a long-term focus.
                                 prioritised in areas in the public focus.

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