Page 5 - MCOM 2016 CASE STUDY 1
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               3.      Disclaimer & warning

               The Case Study  is based  on an existing company and attempts to simulate the strategic decisions its
               Group CFO and the Board faced (or potentially faces). While the facts cited are intended to re-create the
               general circumstances that exist or once existed, this case study has been adapted for the purpose of
               The CFO Case Study  Competition and now provides a hypothetical situation  and therefore does not
               intend to provide a complete or definitive recitation of facts or events. The financial information provided is
               for illustrative purposes only and does not necessarily represent current or historical projections from any
               of the companies cited therein. Information not provided in this case study will therefore not be relevant

               for  your  analyses.  Whilst  you  can  review  publicly  available  information  about  similar  or  comparable
               companies and the industry to understand the business and related technical terms, you are not required
               to use or cite any data or information from elsewhere other than as provided to you in this pack unless
               you  are  doing  so  purely  to  score  marks  under  the  'Diversity  &  Business'  for  which  you  have  to
               demonstrate its relevance and applicability in addressing the specific issue(s).

               Any discussion with the management, employees, associates or competitors of any real life companies
               comparable  to  MCOM  is  strictly  prohibited  and  is  cause  for  disqualification.  You  are  not  allowed  to
               discuss the case with any analyst,  investment banker, consulant or finance-related professionals other
               than your mentor (who must be formally registered on 'The CFO' registration portal) or faculty/school. Any
               activity  of  this  sort  will  be  obvious  to  the  examiners  and  judges  and  is  cause  for  disqualification.  The
               resulting  submission  should  be  the  original  work  of  the  team  members  alone  and  should  not  contain
               internal  information  from  any  other  company  or  organisation.    Aspirants  who  have  current  or  past

               experiences  in  banking,  consulting,  or  finance  or  the  mobile  industry  should  cite  these  experiences  in
               their final deliverable.

               4.      The Requirement

                                                  It is January 1, 2016!

               The Board of MCOM is meeting in 2 weeks time and have tasked The Group CFO to prioritise
               and evaluate the issues facing the company and provide strategic advice. The Group CFO is a

               strong proponent of mentorship and succession planning and has secured board support for his
               decision to delegate the assignment to your team under his supervision and accountability. You
               are accordingly required to produce and present such report directly to the Board.

                      NB. Your report should focus on the problems/issues provided in section 5.3,
                  pages 15 - 25 of this Case Study.  Sections 5.1 &  5.2 ONLY provide useful context to

                  support your evaluation of those problems/issues and to provide recommendations.

                                                                               The CFO Business Case Study Competition 2016 Pack
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