Page 9 - MCOM 2016 CASE STUDY 1
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consider which type of partnership or over-the-top integration models will allow them to drive revenue and
sustain their business models. The widespread take-up and use of mobile enabled digital services
depends on a robust and effective framework for the protection of personal data and privacy. As more
people access the mobile internet, and as online commerce, social media, gaming and other activities
gain popularity; consumers are increasingly voicing privacy concerns and demanding better protection:
Industry consolidation in search for economies of scale and scope: Facing both rapid growth in data
traffic and increasing competition from online service providers, mobile operators need sufficient scale to
invest in network infrastructure and the development of new services. In overly fragmented markets,
individual operators have limited economies of scale and scope, impacting their ability to develop
sustainable business cases for additional investment. Many emerging markets, in particular, are highly
fragmented. A recent study by Frontier Economics for the GSMA highlighted the fact that in some
countries there are five or more players with a market share of at least 5%. In markets with sub-scale
operators, policymakers should review the antitrust framework and take steps to reduce constraints on
market-driven restructuring. In some cases, policymakers may need to streamline the merger review
process and impose less onerous remedies on those mergers that gain approval. Clearly, the only way to
achieve the necessary scale and scope is via industry consolidation. Rationalisation of cost bases
appears to be the new trend in an industry that appears to be approaching maturity.
5.2. MCOM Group strategy & operations
MCOM's mission is to deliver a better quality of life to its customers by leading in the digital space. It is at
the forefront of global technological advancements in voice and digital transformation that is increasingly
reshaping the business models of major companies, transforming industries and the way people interact
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