Page 13 - Microsoft Word - 00 CIMA F1 Prelims STUDENT 2018.docx
P. 13
Activity-based costing and activity-based management
ABC: benefits and limitations
4.1 Benefits
More accurate product-line costings where non-volume related overheads are
significant and a diverse product line is manufactured.
Flexible enough to analyse costs by cost objects other than products such as
processes, areas of managerial responsibility and customers.
Provides a reliable indication of long-run variable product cost which is
particularly relevant to managerial decision-making at a strategic level.
Provides meaningful financial (periodic cost driver rates) and nonfinancial
(periodic cost driver volumes) measures which are relevant for cost
management and performance assessment at an operational level.
Aids identification and understanding of cost behaviour and thus has the
potential to improve cost estimation.
Provides a more logical, acceptable and comprehensible basis for costing work.