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P. 56

Chapter 5

                                       Cost             Revenue             Profit          Investment
                                       centre            centre             centre            centre
               Control over       It can control    It may have        It is             It is
               costs              the incurrence    little or no       responsible for  responsible for
                                  of costs          control over       planning and      planning and
                                                    costs              controlling the   controlling the
                                                                       costs by          costs and has
                                                                       purchasing at     some
                                                                       the most          responsibility
                                                                       economical        for investing in
                                                                       price             non-current
                                                                                         assets and
                                                                                         other projects

               Control over       It has no         It is              It is             It is
               revenues           control over      responsible for  responsible for  responsible for
                                  revenues          the generation     the generation    the generation
                                                    of revenue.        of revenue by     of revenue
                                                    This may not       setting the
                                                    necessarily        selling prices
                                                    involve much
                                                    (or any) control
                                                    over unit
                                                    selling prices
               Control over       It has no         It has no          It has no         It is
               investment         control over      control over       control over      responsible for
               funds              the investment  the investment  the investment  investing in
                                  of funds          of funds           of funds          assets that will
                                                                                         yield an
                                                                                         rate of return
               Goal               Containment of  Generation of        Maximisation      Maximisation
                                  costs             revenues           of net income     of rate of return
                                                                                         on assets

               Basis of           How well costs  How much             Amount of         Rate of return
               evaluation         are controlled    revenue is         profit            on assets and
                                                    generated          generated         other

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